Monday, July 6, 2009

4Th of July

We went to a BBQ at a Co-worker of my dad's. It was a lot of fun. They did a lot of fireworks and I was scared at all.

Michael Jackson Tribute BBQ

Playing at Grandma Maggie's house

Playing at Grandma Maggie's house

Mom made us wear crazy hats!!

Zoo with girlfriend

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My favorite song...

I love the song..You're A Jerk. I make my mom play it all the time. We were driving home and she was taping me on her phone. I don't think she is suppose to do that =)


Sorry it has taken so long to updated Jr's pictures. These last few months have been crazy with birthdays, learning to walk, teething (which is never fun) and a couple black eyes. All is going really well with Jr. He has become very independent. Now that he is walking he thinks he can do everything on his own. Hence the black eyes...

It has been a fun and exciting road for Traun and I to watch the world through Jr's eyes. Everyday is something new. For sure don't blink or you might just miss something.

My First Birthday Party!!!

Walking my red carpet. My birthday theme was a red carpet event.

My First sucker...I don't think mom knew about this. She's not big on candy.

Me and Grandma..She was dressed up like a silly clown.

Me and My Aunty Shareka...

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My New Pool

Since it's been getting hotter my mom got me a new pool. She thought it was ok to just throw me in all "nakey". I'm not thinking this is ok =)